Diagnosis // Heartaches

Stage 1: Severe 
Where acknowledgement of the condition takes place. It feels like your heart popped right out of your chest and where it use to be now feels empty. But that is okay because that is normal. We can just cover up that wound with a band-aid. And if you already started crying by now then please do cry, cry until that last tear falls. It is okay to cry because you are human after all. It just proves that your heart is still truly there and you really do care. 

slowly and surely, you will transition into

Stage 2: Moderate
The grey area. It is the constant battle between I can live without that person because I am a strong independent person and I really really miss and love that person so why can't we just be together  mentality. The phase where you will go through a lot of highs and lows. Yes, you may cry again and that is okay. A lot of thinking and wondering will occur during this period, no matter how many times you think that you have finalized on a thought or idea. 

ever more slowly but surely, I can only imagine that you will transition into 

Stage 3: Mild
Where the half broken heart and half healed heart with a scab over it exists. Half of you is settled on the thought that you can and will live/manage/be okay brilliant without them. While another half of you still cares for that person very deeply. That half that still loves them is now the soft spot of your heart, that will now forever exist for that person. The sad truth is, that is indeed your weakness because you know that if they were to ever appear in your life again you will love them again in a heartbeat.

& if it is a jumble of all of the above, then m'friend you are still experiencing a heartache. I know it's hard, you will feel progress and suddenly you may just regress but eventually you will make it.. Try the following prescriptions to help your condition:

- 100 mL of friends and family. Soak in their love for you and give them your love too!  
- 50 mL of something new to try that is totally different and requires you to learn it. Because I understand if you don't have passion or the mood to do what you usually like to do because a part of you don't feel like being that person anymore right? Well if yes, then try something new. If no, then direct your energy to whatever you love doing. 
- 150 mL of presently important to-dos. YOU gotta do them and you have to face them in tears or what not because if you don't then your future will look just as depressing as your present.
- 1000 lbs of sustenance. Whatever you can force down that esophagus. 
  & of course don't overdose, you go by your own limits. 

One day though, I really hope that your heart will no longer ache and that is when you enter

Stage 4: Being Cured 
I can't tell you exactly how long this whole process will take days, weeks, maybe even years but heartaches can be cured. I know heartaches suck don't they? Just like a cold, unexpected sometimes but all you can do is live with it.  I really believe that soon enough your heart will be cured, in the sense that your heart will no longer feel like it is broken into a million pieces. Your heart will be mended back together by a lot of self-healing and time ..because that is what usually happens under a band-aid anyways right? 

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