Hola! It's definitely been a while since the last post. What can I say? Life just got h e c tic or comfortably mundane. I finally finished 3/4 semesters of teacher's college, and now ecstatic to soon go into the last. Going into 2018, I think making new year resolutions is equally important to taking the time to reflect on your past. Like J. Dewey says, "We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience." Mhmmm. This is what teacher's college has done to me - reflect! reflect! reflect!
I think it is easy to be caught up with what is front of us - the numerous errands that you have to do, bills you have to pay, and shows you got to watch - that you often forget the bigger picture. Make the time to recognize where you started, see how much you have changed and refocus. If there are any positive changes then give yourself a high-5 and continue them.
If you realize that you evolved into a human being with terrible characteristics and habits then do something about them. If you realize that you need to readjust your priorities then rearrange your time. Don't get discourage if you fail to follow your new goals 3 weeks or 2 days later, each day is a new opportunity to become a better you! You shift that mentality whenever you want.
If you realize that you evolved into a human being with terrible characteristics and habits then do something about them. If you realize that you need to readjust your priorities then rearrange your time. Don't get discourage if you fail to follow your new goals 3 weeks or 2 days later, each day is a new opportunity to become a better you! You shift that mentality whenever you want.
If you remember me sticking my phone in front of your face between 2015 - 2017 screaming "do something for my ONE SEC OF THE DAY," voila it's finally done. Better late than never, I finally compiled all of my one second of the days and edited my cottage vlog.
I got reminiscent of all the great times I had when I was putting it altogether; but, it also forced me to rethink my past because... it wasn't entirely that g r e a t. Like my mom battling cancer, losing a relative unexpectedly, heartbreaks and steep learning curves with adjusting to teacher's ed /adulting. It made me realize a) how grateful I am to have the friends and family in my life, b) the privilege I have in experiencing certain events, and c) that I have conformed to societal norms. dun dun dun. People only want to share the positive aspects of their life online so that it 'candidly' showcases a perfect lifestyle. I think that it's neither a bad or good thing but, just remember the next time you start to compare yourself with someone else's, that not everything is what it seems. At the end of the day, another great philosopher J. Cole once said, "No such thing as a life that's better than yours. Love yourz."
If you are curious to how my 1 sec of the day footage turned out, see below :) tbh, it's boring though; I just want to make it for my own memories.
1 Sec a Day // 2015 - 2017
Cottage Trip // 2017
If you are still reading this, I hope 2018 is everything you wish for, aim for and work for.
Until next time,
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