Here is the Week 2 Vlog :)
This week I got a lot of things in
multiple amounts.. a lot of things in which I mean multiple bug bites (9 to be exact) I'm basically a walking buffet for them..it's like THEY CAN SENSE THE NEW
BLOOD, I ate multiple bowls of noodles and fried chicken seriously I ate a lot or
maybe even too much in a week to the point that canker sores don't even matter, movie dates with Peng and friends Pitch Perfect 2 is a yes, Hot Pursuit was okay, chatting time with the
principal over a nice cold beverage at Starbucks or a cup of tea at his house. The most exciting part of the whole week is definitely going to Taichung for the weekend and
going to Lihpaoland. I was pretty excited to go and test out my camera in the
(We tried LOL)
One thing though that didn't come in multiple amounts is Peng WHERE
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE… as she is simply amazing! I’m thankful to have got to
spent a whole week at her house and go through my week with her. I'm always
excited to talk to her and she's always excited to possibly learn another
English word.
This week I learned:
*Everywhere in Taiwan (except a beach, your own bath tub, or your own pool) you will need a SWIMMING CAP if you want to swim. It's a pretty smart choice to enforce as I am assuming less cleaning for them and more clean
for us?
*Showers are life in such a hot place LOL
*The moment you don't think you have enough tissue paper to last is such a scary moment LOL because some washrooms do not have toilet paper. On the bright side, you can have 3ply, 4ply, 2ply toilet paper if you want (just layer it up to your desire)
*The moment you don't think you have your water bottle is also another terrifying moment.
The Most Memorable Moment of the week:
The staff at the school is so caring, its so touching :’) They noticed my bug bite, and instantly shoved ointments and potions for it.
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