2 0 1 7 // A REFLECTION

Hola! It's definitely been a while since the last post. What can I say? Life just got h e c tic or comfortably mundane. I finally finished 3/4 semesters of teacher's college, and now ecstatic to soon go into the last. Going into 2018, I think making new year resolutions is equally important to taking the time to reflect on your past. Like J. Dewey says, "We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience." Mhmmm. This is what teacher's college has done to me - reflect! reflect! reflect!

I think it is easy to be caught up with what is front of us - the numerous errands that you have to do, bills you have to pay, and shows you got to watch - that you often forget the bigger picture. Make the time to recognize where you started, see how much you have changed and refocus. If there are any positive changes then give yourself a high-5 and continue them.

If you realize that you evolved into a human being with terrible characteristics and habits then do something about them. If you realize that you need to readjust your priorities then rearrange your time. Don't get discourage if you fail to follow your new goals 3 weeks or 2 days later, each day is a new opportunity to become a better you! You shift that mentality whenever you want. 

If you remember me sticking my phone in front of your face between 2015 - 2017 screaming "do something for my ONE SEC OF THE DAY," voila it's finally done. Better late than never, I finally compiled all of my one second of the days and edited my cottage vlog. 

I got reminiscent of all the great times I had when I was putting it altogether; but, it also forced me to rethink my past because... it wasn't entirely that g r e a t. Like my mom battling cancer, losing a relative unexpectedly, heartbreaks and steep learning curves with adjusting to teacher's ed /adulting. It made me realize a) how grateful I am to have the friends and family in my life, b) the privilege I have in experiencing certain events, and c) that I have conformed to societal norms. dun dun dun. People only want to share the positive aspects of their life online so that it 'candidly' showcases a perfect lifestyle. I think that it's neither a bad or good thing but, just remember the next time you start to compare yourself with someone else's, that not everything is what it seems. At the end of the day, another great philosopher J. Cole once said, "No such thing as a life that's better than yours. Love yourz." 

If you are curious to how my 1 sec of the day footage turned out, see below :) tbh, it's boring though; I just want to make it for my own memories. 

1 Sec a Day // 2015 - 2017

Cottage Trip // 2017

If you are still reading this, I hope 2018 is everything you wish for, aim for and work for. 

Until next time,


Hola :) I hope you have been doing well! In the past few months, I finally got some time to leisurely read. So I got a few books that I would definitely recommend :) I got suggestions that might appeal to the inner kid-at-heart you, or even satisfy your wanna-be grown up interests. So if you were looking for a book to enjoy under the sun, LOOK NO FURTHER and just consider the following: 

1. HYPERBOLE AND A HALF: unfortunate situations, flawed coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things (by Allie Brosh) // Fiction

+ for giggles and chuckles - it's a fast read that will make you laugh out loud, totally doing its job as a comic book.

2. READY PLAYER ONE (by Ernest Cline) // Fiction

+ can't stop won't stop - it's a page turner! it got me rooting for the main character and really wondering what the future would be like in terms of infrastructure and technology. 

3. MODERN LOVE: an investigation (by Aziz Ansari)  // Non- Fiction

+ love 101 - if you like psychology/ sociology, then this book is a fun read in learning something new about people and society! I mean Aziz wrote it! It's not only funny but super interesting as he explores today's culture. 

4. ASAP SCIENCE: answers to the world's weirdest questions, most persistent rumours, and unexplained phenomena (by Mitchell Moffit and Greg Brown)  // Non - Fiction

+ asap LEARNING - love learning about random things, and a sucker for how things work so if you are too... then seriously check this book out! 

5. GIRL BOSS (by Sophia Amoruso) // Non- Fiction

+ getIT getIT - I finished this book in one sitting! it's a little inspiring, a little motivating and just plain captivating in how she was able to achieve so much by being herself. I understand it may also take a little luck, but it left me feeling kinda hopeful and driven to achieve more with my life. 

BONUS suggestion - just TRUST me!

6. DEFINING DECADES:  why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them now (by Meg Jay) // Non- Fiction

DOUBLE BONUS WIN suggestion for the non-readers out there

if you don't like to read but rather listen to stories instead, then check out the following podcast! (if you haven't realized that there are Podcasts on Spotify then go find it RIGHT NOW!) It's called Millennial, produced by Megan Tan, she basically talks about her life (as you may have guessed it, as A MILLENNIAL.) If you don't have Spotify that is alright too, just check out the website: http://www.millennialpodcast.org to give it a listen! As simple or boring as that may sound it's awesome just because any twenty-something can relate, and the way that she presents the stories are so cathartic to the ears! 

Let me know if you ended up liking any of the above :) 
Thanks for reading! 
Until next time,

IB Trip // FEB-MAR 2016

Hola! ♡ (if I can insert an even bigger heart emoticon, I would) 
Just because this time, I know it's reallllly been a while.

is this a big enough heart?

My semester this term was sardine-packed with a lot of things happening throughout the four months. For an example, back in February/March I got the opportunity to travel to Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai and Hong Kong for 2 weeks. This trip was a component of my International Business concentration, utimately making it an invaluable experience shared with my classmates. For 2 weeks worth of footage, I was able to cram it all into a 9 min video. If you are interested to see what it was like CLICK BELOW :) 

IF you rather read about my key takeaways from the trip theeeen, 

+ It is more developed than I imagined it to be, making it a place I consider revisiting again in the future - as it makes a great winter escape destination ;D 

+ In comparison to Taiwan, despite the similar hot climate, it didn't feel like they had as many mosquitos. Which is an awesome thing because I actually made it out of the country with only being bitten once WOOOO 

+ Nightlife in KL earns an A+ as it offers a lot of different bar & club options and high possibility that there is free drink / cover for ladies. 

+ I should improve my Mandarin skills because it is kind of great when I can understand what they are saying to me, but not great when I can't properly communicate back. In some situations my butchered Mandarin worked, and then sometimes the tone was just not correct, making it instantly a game of charades. 

+ $20CDN body massages exist in this part of world, and they are totally the best things ever. Yes, the Chinese technique may be a little bit more painful in the sense that they seem to be punching all those pressure points way too forcefully accurately, but, hey the feeling afterwards is just

(great + cool as YOU feel GREAT afterwards and COOL because your just survived a gentle beating)

+ If you wanted a designer looking keyword LOOKING! bag or watch or jewellery or branded anything possible, it is most likely available at this market for a suuuuuuper low price. Simply bring your A game ready to bargain: just remember 
1. to aim for 1/3 of their asking price, (e.g. if they ask for 60 go for 20 but start super low at 10 so you can bring it up to 20) 
2. don't show your true interest e v e r about the product (USE THAT POKERFACE) and, 
3. if you must ... just pretend to walk away or actually walk away because there is a high chance to find it in another stall nearby anyways (they all sell similar products). 

+ it is very easy to travel around using their subway system. The subway underground still provides wifi service, and announcements for stops are still made in English (so you don't have to worry if you don't understand Cantonese or Mandarin).

+ Google in Hong Kong has a nap room, thus, I totally think that it is the way of the future. I now aspire to work at a company that supports their employee with a napping facility.

HK Google Nap Room

+ Out of the 3 destinations, the most favourable location to work abroad in is Hong Kong. Just because 1) there are a lot of expats that also work abroad in Hong Kong, 2) I can communicate with my Cantonese skills and if I can't then 3) English is still widely used 4) the food options is so diverse and broad that it's just AMAZING  5) I can live with the commuting, walking or biking life and 6) from the water view to mountain views it's all available on that little island.  

+ McDonalds in Asia is simply amazing because of exhibit a) Taro Pies b) Taro McFlurries c) Chicken Wings and d) and e) and f) and g)... z) CHICKEN WINGS. See, if i never traveled abroad I would've never knew that such yummy wings exist at such an unexpected place. 

Thus, I truly and highly recommend any opportunity you may get to do it, GO travel! Just because it provides you with a chance to gain a new perspective. It may require you to step out of your comfort zone; but, in the end why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I mean if you only live once, you mind as well try to learn and discover all that there is to see right? 

& that is it, 
until next time,

2 0 1 5 // a reflection

2015 was incredibly bumpy, incredibly emotional and incredibly unforgettable at the same time. I potentially say that every year, however, with this blog and my vlogs… THIS year is definitely unforgettable since it is so simple to just repeat replay history. It was filled with a lot of great adventures, new experiences and many WTF am I doing moments. 

Ending this school term alive, hence the 4 months of being MIA, I could not be anymore happier with how things turned out. Yet, at the same time very sad with how fast time traveled.

At the moment, I am very much still learning, still improving and still understanding myself. Though does that process really ever end? So for a lack of better words, maybe I should have just said that I am still on a pursuit of … contentment. Of course, happiness is a state of mind where one chooses to be optimistic and happy. Thus, contentment (although technically a synonym) is what I want to use to portray a bundle of satisfactory level of physical health and mental health, and balanced relationship with friends, family and school. So I guess I personally think that contentment can be measured and happiness can not be. 

This time, when I say that I am excited for 2016, I actually mean it. I know it’s bad to consider a fresh start once the New Year hits but realistically who doesn’t like to drag old familiar behaviour longer until absolutely required to change. It’s the act of human adaptation at its finest right? AND who wouldn’t want fireworks, bright lights or a screaming batch of people saying “happy new year” to solidify a new beginning? It’s much more encouraging that way from my own understanding. So I hope your 2016 will be everything you hoped for, aimed for and worked for. 

Remember, do better; but, definitely try not to compare yourself to others. Look back, admire how different you are now than the past, and simply improve. Eliminate the bugs and make changes. Develop -insert your name here- 2.0 .. or should I really say John Smith 2.016 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To the future self: keep trying whatever your mind gears you towards, keep doing what your heart says, and eating whatever the hell your stomach desires. Here’s to more challenges yet to come, to numerous foreseen trials and errors on figuring out what you can do or want to do in the near future, to healthier food choices, extra sit-ups and better eye cream. & as always, h 2 o is the way to go, so stay hydrated homies! 

Here's to 
h a p p y NEW y e a r!

Until next time, 